16 December 2010

Another day, another dollar stretched

Let's talk about stretching our money.  I've found the best way to save money on food is to plan at least 2 meals ahead with every purchase.  Seriously, think in terms of leftovers.

Let's start with chicken.  We buy large bags of frozen, boneless, skinless chicken breast.  Here's a tip- don't skimp here by getting the store brand.  It usually has a high fat and gristle content, so just spend the extra & get the good stuff.  For us it's Tyson, but you may have a different preference.

Now for menu.  One bag, if used well, can feed a family of 4 for 3 days.  And we're talking full meals here.  The trick?  The meat is an ingredient in the entrees.  So the first thing you want to do is thaw the entire bag and boil it.  Put 2/3 of it in the fridge or freezer for your next 2 meals, and cube what's left.  This is now the base for your favorite stir-fry.

For meal number 2, shred half of what you put away.  Add taco or fajita seasoning and have a burrito night.  Add refried beans, veggies, and a rice side, and you're all set. 

For the third meal, shred the remaining chicken and make chicken salad sandwiches for lunch.  Chips on the side, a blanket on the floor, and you've got yourself a picnic!

I'll talk about stretching other meats in different posts, but this should get you going on thinking ahead when you're shopping. 

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